
Soo-Mook Moon

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Seoul National University
1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Korea
E-mail: smoon at
Phone: +82-2-880-1814
Secretary: Park, So-Jin (phone: +82-2-880-2646)

Areas of Interests

  • Compiler and Virtual machine optimization
  • Distributed systems including Blockchain, Federated Learning, and Edge Computing
  • Web platform optimization


Soo-Mook Moon leads the Virtual Machine and Optimization (VM&O) Laboratory in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Seoul National University. VM&O Lab. is researching blockchains, federated learning, compiler optimizations, language virtual machines, and web platform optimization. Currently, there are 13 students in the VM&O Lab. (6 Ph.D and 7 M.S.).

Selected Recent Publications

  • Ethanos: Efficient Bootstrapping for Full Nodes on Account-based Blockchain“, Jae-Yun Kim, Junmo Lee, Yeonjae Koo, Sanghyeon Park, Soo-Mook Moon. 2021 European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2021)
  • Irregular Register Allocation for Translation of Test-pattern Programs“, Minsu Kim , Jeong-Keun Park , Soo-Mook Moon. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Volume 18 , Issue 1. January 2021
  • PerDNN: Offloading Deep Neural Network Computations to Pervasive Edge Servers“, Hyuk-Jin Jeong, Hyeon-Jae Lee, Kwang Yong Shin, Yong Hwan Yoo, Soo-Mook Moon. 40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2020)
  • ShadowTutor: Distributed Partial Distillation for Mobile Video DNN Inference“, Jae-Won Chung, Jae-Yun Kim, Soo-Mook Moon. The 49th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2020)
  • Snapshot-based Loading Acceleration of Web Apps with Nondeterministic JavaScript Execution“, JiHwan Yeo, ChangHyun Shin, and Soo-Mook Moon. The 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2019)
  • Seamless Offloading of Web App Computations From Mobile Device to Edge Clouds via HTML5 Web Worker Migration“, Hyuk-Jin Jeong, Chang Hyun Shin, Kwang Yong Shin, Hyeon-Jae Lee, Soo-Mook Moon. The ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2019 (SoCC 2019)
  • Accelerating Web Application Loading with Snapshot of Event and DOM Handling“, JiHwan Yeo, JinSeok Oh, and Soo-Mook Moon. The 28th International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 2019)
  • Output-based Intermediate Representation for Translation of Test-pattern Programs“, Minsu Kim, Jeong-Keun Park, S. Kim, I. Yang, H. Jung and Soo-Mook Moon. 2019 International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis For Embedded Systems (CASES 2019)
  • IONN: Incremental Offloading of Neural Network Computations From Mobile Devices to Edge Servers“, Hyuk-Jin Jeong, Hyeon-Jae Lee, Chang Hyun Shin, and Soo-Mook Moon. The ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2018 (SoCC 2018)
  • Web Application Migration with Closure Reconstruction“, Jin-Woo Kwon and Soo-Mook Moon, The 2017 World Wide Web conference (WWW 2017)


  • IBM Faculty Partnership Awards   September, 2000
    A total of about 100 IBM Faculty Partnership Awards were given worldwide this year (2000/2001), including all research areas. The description of the IBM Faculty Partnership Awards states: “Candidates must have an outstanding reputation for contributions in his or her field(s), or for the case of junior faculty, show unusual promise.”
  • LG R&D Awards   March, 2012
    LG Group
  • Best Teacher Award   April, 2002
    College of Engineering, Seoul National University
  • Best Teacher Award   March, 2019
    School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University
  • Best Teacher Award   September, 2021
    School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University

Current and Previous Industry Projects

  • LaTTe and VLaTTe: optimized Java VM JIT compilers for RISCs and VLIWs
    (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
  • Translation of DRAM Test-Pattern Programs for Automated Test Equipment
    (Samsung Electronics)
  • Optimizations for Android Dalvik Virtual Machines for Multicores
    (Samsung Electronics)
  • Instruction scheduling for In-Order Superscalar Processors
    (Sun Microsystems)
  • Java Just-in-Time Compilation for Instruction-level Parallelism on EPIC Architectures
  • Enhanced Pipelinine Scheduling for EPIC Architectures
    (HP-Intel IPF University Grants Program)
  • Enhanced Pipeline Scheduling for IPF with Cache Optimizations
    (Gelato at UIUC for HP)
  • Just-in-Time Compilation for Mobile JavaScript Engines
    (Samsung Electronics)
  • Java Optimization for Digital TVs and Blu-ray Disc Players
    (LG Electronics)
  • Optimizing Compilers for CalmRISC 8/16/32-bit microcontrollers
    (Samsung Electronics)

Program Committees

  • VEE 2016 :    The 12th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE’16), Atalanta, USA
  • CGO 2016 :    The 2016 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, Barcelona, Spain 2016
  • ICPP 2015 :    The 2015 International Conference on Parallel Processing, Beijing, China
  • ICPP 2014 :    The 2014 International Conference on Parallel Processing, Minneapolis, USA
  • CGO 2012 :     The 2012 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, San Jose, USA 2012
  • APLAS 2008 :     The 6th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, Bangalore, India, Dec 9-11, 2008
  • NPC 2007 :     The IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, Dalian, China, Sep 18-21, 2007
  • NPC 2005 :     The IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, Beijing, China, Nov 30- Dec 3, 2005
  • APLAS 2005 :     The 3rd Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov 3-5, 2005
  • PACT 2002 :     The 11th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, Charlottesville, Virginia, September 22-25, 2002
  • LCTES’2001 :     ACM SIGPLAN 2001 Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems, Snowbird, Utah, June 22, 2001
  • FDDO-3 :     3rd ACM Workshop on Feedback-Directed and Dynamic Optimization, Monterey, California, December 10, 2000
  • DynAMO’00 : First ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Dynamic and Adaptive Mechanisms for Optimizations
                             Boston, Massachusetts, January 19, 2000
  • Micro-32 :     32nd Annual ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture,
                            Haifa, Israel, November 16-18, 1999
  • CASES’99 :    2nd International Workshop on Compiler and Architecture Support for Embedded Computing Systems
                             Washington D.C., October 1-2, 1999
  • Binary’99 :    Workshop on Binary Translation
                             Newport Beach, California, October 12, 1999

Biographical Sketch

Soo-Mook Moon received his Ph.D at the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1993. During 1992-1993, he worked at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center where he developed the IBM VLIW compiler. During 1993-1994, he was a software design engineer at the Hewlett-Packard Company in California Language Lab where he contributed to the development of an optimizing compiler for the PA-RISC CPUs. Since 1994, he has been with the faculty of the Seoul National University in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering where he is now a full professor. Professor Moon visited IBM T. J. Watson research center as a visiting scientist during the summer of 1997. He was with Sun Microsystems in 2002-2003 as a visiting professor. He led the LG-SNU platform center during 2012-2015, which collaborated with LG electronics on the optimization of LG webOS platform.